On 01/28/2017 08:27 PM, Walter Dnes wrote:
On Fri, Jan 27, 2017 at 02:57:00PM -0500, james wrote

Exactly:: simplify the flags, profiles and associated constructs down to
the bare bones. Even embedded (arm/mips/etc) builds could benefit from a
really minimized gentoo as a starting point. Freedom to build and fork
Gentoo, per GLEP 70 is a wonderful idea, whose time has arrived. That
would set the stage for quickly building highly specific gentoo installs
(VMs, Containers, Clusters or unikernel); all via a 'recipe' from the
minimal core-sed, which  could then take a variety of forms, such as
bare-metal builds vi IPMI, ipxe, or more traditional formularies like
chef, puppet, ansible as well as a myriad of other possibilities.

All of the traditional gentoo installs, such as the handbook, would
benefit from simplification  and the natural clarity that simplification
brings. Builds of things like simple standard gentoo-cluster-CI.
Nothing would preclude the adventuresome from building up a
traditional, highly customized install, for a specific needs such as
currently is the (handbook) practice. But additional gentoo installs
that are quick, streamlined and soot a specific itch.

  A possible starting point...

* Start with a basic text-mode install, with minimal USE flags
  USE="-* foo bar etc..."

* Specialized profiles could be generated by a 3-step process
  1) Append any required profile-specific additional USE flags
  2) Necessary profile-specific apps and/or libraries could be listed in
     sets in /etc/portage/sets
  3) emerge --changed-use --deep --update @world

  The advantage to this approach is that we're not talking forks.  This
is pure Gentoo, with customizations that fall within the realm of
regular Gentoo.  If anybody has problems, they can go to generic Gentoo
support forums/lists for help.

All good ideas.
Thanks for the ideas.


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