On Saturday, February 4, 2017 9:57:01 AM EST Michael Orlitzky wrote:
> On 02/03/2017 08:07 PM, Patrick McLean wrote:
> > I think the current policy of "maintainer's discretion" is probably the
> > only reasonable way to approach IUSE defaults...
> > 
> > Leaving the IUSE defaults up to the maintainer allows said maintainer
> > to select what they consider reasonable defaults.
> This is the way we currently do things:
>   DEFAULTS="+apples -pears +potatoes -chicken +steak +broccoli +spatula"
>   FRUIT="${DEFAULTS} +pears -potatoes -steak -broccoli -spatula"
>   MEAT="${DEFAULTS} -apples -potatoes +chicken -broccoli -spatula"
>   VEGETABLES="${DEFAULTS} -apples -steak -spatula"
> Compare with:
>   FRUIT="+apples +pears"
>   MEAT="+chicken +steak"
>   VEGETABLES="+potatoes +broccoli"
>   MISC="+apples -pears +potatoes -chicken +steak +broccoli +spatula"
> One of those is stupid, regardless of what you like to eat.

The latter is cleaner than the former, there is no disagreement there.

The question to ask is who do you want to create more work for?
People maintaining packages, or people maintaining profiles.

Essentially your saying IUSE defaults do not belong in a package, but in a 
profile. The problem is that is a hard rule to follow. What if the default 
benefits all, like in a base profile. Then it might make sense to add directly 
to ebuild than profile. But that would go against any rule/policy saying only 
add IUSE defaults to profiles. At the same time, if more than one profile needs 
that enabled by default, it is creating more work there.

While the latter is cleaner, and therefore would seem preferred. It is not 
that much effort to negate a flag in a profile. That is likely time better 
spent. Than to have package maintainers messing with profile defaults, touching 
more than one profile potentially, etc.

Its probably best to have a team, familiar with profiles managing profiles. 
Rather than every developer working with IUSE and packages. While they may be 
bloated, or uglier. There isn't really a way around, short of something that 
bypasses default flags, allowing others to be set instead.

William L. Thomson Jr.

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