- Typo...
Additional Security Project bugzilla notes
* The Security Project is except (should that read "exempt"?)

- An intermediate level before masking might be issuing a warning if
  some simple, specific remediation measure can protect against a
  vulnerability.  E.g. forcing cups to only listen to or :1

- If you want to absolutely ensure that people are warned of a severe,
  but remediable vulnerability, is it acceptable to "break the build"
  by requiring a new local USE flag for the ebuild?  I'm thinking of
  something like "glep_0001234", "glep_0001235", "glep_0001236", etc,
  and have the ebuild die if the flag is not set, and print out a URL
  for a security problem.  This could be abstracted to make.conf with
  a new variable...

  GLEP="0001234 0001235 0001236 etc etc"

  This would probably be the last stage before masking.  It would
deliberately break the build, and require the user/admin to take manual
action (add the flag for the GLEP) before proceeding further.  This is
a heavy-handed method, but masking is more final.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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