On Sun, 9 Apr 2017 12:15:56 -0400
"William L. Thomson Jr." <wlt...@o-sinc.com> wrote:

> Python 2.7 stuff aside. I am not sure how many Python and Ruby packages
> break with a newer release. In pythons case I think once they support
> Python 3.x, there is little chance if it breaking with further 3.x
> releases. Not sure about Ruby.

I'm not going to weigh heavily into this as I don't mind the current
setup but as a professional Ruby developer, I can say that breakages
between versions are usually overblown by those outside the community.
Yeah, there usually are some but they tend to only affect the bigger
libraries and frameworks that do some more exotic things. Even then,
the changes required are generally very small, sometimes even just one
line. People thought the sky would fall when 2.4 deprecated Fixnum and
Bignum. It really didn't. It's still just a warning right now but I
haven't seen that warning since it was dealt with in Rails.

James Le Cuirot (chewi)
Gentoo Linux Developer

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