On Mon, 10 Apr 2017 08:37:34 +0200
Michał Górny <mgo...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> It is always nice when a person who:

Starts off with insults and rudeness... Why I avoid you and I have
requested MULITPLE times you just avoid me. Almost did not reply, but
unlike your comments I will stick to FACTS.

> a. did not bother to do any research on the topic (such as reading
> previous posts or even asking the relevant teams),

Research was done in the form of packaging some python applications.
Also having worked with OTHER languages and teams on Gentoo. There are
other ways of doing things. For those who are open minded to
considering improvements.

> b. has barely any clue (if any at all) about Python ecosystem or
> package maintenance in Gentoo, 

Again I have recently packaged some python libraries and applications.
I personally maintain some 300+ Java ebuilds and others.

I think I have a clue when it comes to package maintenance. I was doing
it as a Developer back in 2006 thru 2008...

> c. is either completely ignorant of how Python packages worked in the
> past (which quite proves the points made above) or presumes that they
> were changed for no reason by incompetent developers,

I have seen it evolve ever since 3.x came out in 2008. The situation
was never good and should have gone a different route from the start.
Thankfully Java went a different route and other teams never shared the
same approach. It is long over due to consider a better way.

> decides that the workflow of Python team needs to be changed and goes
> to discuss it on the mailing list with other people who barely do any
> Python work.

Because of how Python is handled on Gentoo. As a developer I would
NEVER use python.  Just working with a few python libraries and apps,
packaging them. Its a PITA compared to Java.

If for no other reason than I have to go touch the ebuilds anytime a
Python version is added or removed. Same for Ruby. That is dumb...

There are some 1600 Python ebuilds. That is ALLOT of work to fiddle
with adding/removing targets as new things come and go... Working with
hundreds of ebuilds myself. I can easily understand the magnitude of
such changes.

Even my fully automated scripts, take considerable time to make minor
changes across lots of ebuilds. If humans have to do this, it will take
MUCH longer. Who wants to waste their time on such?

Its funny. In the days of CI and CD, we must manually mess with
targets.... There has to be a better way. If not what I am suggesting
some other. I do not see any other solutions suggested. Just negativity,
insults, and lack of any real facts just opinion and rudeness.

Typical status quo...

William L. Thomson Jr.

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