On 04/10/2017 01:31 PM, Michał Górny wrote:
> So, the whole idea is that you can install vanilla and e.g. staging
> side-by-side?

That's 50% of it.  The other 50% is that since Windows applications
often are better supported in one version or another, you can also have
multiple versions installed side by side (=wine-vanilla-2.1 and
=wine-vanilla-2.2 for example)
> Is 'any' always called 'any'? Does it mean that I can have installed
> e.g. 'any[staging]' and 'staging', and both would be the same thing?
Right.  We were sort of at a loss for the best way to signify to the
user that any is for them to do whatever they want with (even if it is
redundant).  Giving it the -any suffix was our best idea XD  That said,
the virtual places -any in priority last, so the usually more or less
has to consciously decide to use it (which would for the most part avoid
accidental redundancy)  The two primary uses of any *should* be using
multiple patchsets simultaneously (any[d3d9,staging])  and using any to
slightly alter flags from any of the others (example in the news item
given as using one audio system in -vanilla (gstreamer) and another in
-any (pulseaudio))


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