On Tue, 18 Apr 2017 07:51:58 +0200
Ulrich Mueller <u...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> >>>>> On Mon, 17 Apr 2017, James Le Cuirot wrote:  
> > If you've been wondering why I've been quiet of late (you have,
> > right?!) then this is partly why. I'm not sure why I spent so long
> > on an eclass that hardly anyone uses but it's utilised by many of my
> > old favourite games.  
> Wouldn't this be a good time to rethink the whole concept? By all our
> standards, ebuilds shouldn't be interactive. AFAICS, cdrom.eclass is
> the last remnant in the tree using PROPERTIES="interactive".

mgorny makes good points, it is indeed not quite that simple.

I didn't actually notice the --accept-properties=-interactive feature
until just now, that's pretty cool.

Although I agree it should be avoided, there may be other uses for it
in future. I'd still like to go ahead with my lgogdownloader plan
(probably via a new src_fetch) and that may need it for entering
credentials on rare occasions though there are other possibilities.

> Maybe the eclass could be replaced by a utility that extracts the ISO
> image and places it into DISTDIR, so that ebuilds could use regular
> non-interactive unpacking? The additional disk space used shouldn't be
> an argument any more with today's large disks.

Don't assume everyone has such huge disks. ;) My main system isn't bad
but that doesn't mean I want to waste the space on something like this.
Many have written optical media off but I still have two big flight
cases full of discs of various kinds nearby.

No one is forced to use this stuff and it is possible to use it in a
non-interactive manner similar to how you suggest. You can copy the
files from the disc(s) and point CD_ROOT to this location in a
per-package env file.

James Le Cuirot (chewi)
Gentoo Linux Developer

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