Suggested description: Add support for stack traces and function name resolution via sys-libs/libunwind

That description is a little unwieldy though, better suggestions are welcome.

Currently in use by the following packages:

dev-cpp/glog:unwind - Use sys-libs/libunwind for stack unwinding instead of glibc/gcc (may be more reliable on x86_64)
dev-libs/efl:unwind - Enable debug support via sys-libs/libunwind
dev-libs/weston:unwind - Enable libunwind usage for backtraces
dev-util/ltrace:unwind - Use sys-libs/libunwind for frame unwinding support
dev-util/perf:unwind - Use sys-libs/libunwind for frame unwinding support.
dev-util/strace:unwind - Enable stack backtraces (-k flag) via sys-libs/libunwind media-libs/gstreamer:unwind - Enable sys-libs/libunwind usage for better backtrace support in leaks tracer module www-apache/mod_backtrace:unwind - Use sys-libs/libunwind to provide better resolution of function names. x11-apps/intel-gpu-tools:unwind - Provide automatic stack traces on test failures
x11-base/xorg-server:unwind - Enable libunwind usage for backtraces

I understand that dev-cpp/glog uses the unwind flag differently from the other packages. If that is an issue that package's flag could be renamed to "libunwind" as sys-libs/libcxx et al. currently use.

Best regards,
Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn

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