On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 11:54:59PM +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote

> - Have a separate anyvimishthing directory, and make both vim and
> neovim look there, and only make plugins that have been tested to work
> with both install to that directory.

  As mentioned elsewhere, what happens when two or three other people
do their own forks?  Plugin 1 works with vim A and B but not C or D.
Plugin 2 works with vim A and C and D but not B.  The number of
directories could potentially be 2^N where N is the number of forks.
And who's going to do the necessary testing across multiple versions?
And remember that each minor version bump of any of the forks could
render another fork's plugin incompatable.  This is a classic "moving
target".  The only way that works is to have each fork look after their
own copies of plugins.

  This reminds me of Firefox and Pale Moon, except that browser plugins
are user-installed.  After the initial fork from Firefox, plugins were
mostly compatable amongst the two browsers.  Over time, as the code
diverged, fewer plugins remained compatable (not talking about Firefox's
upcoming deprecation of XUL).  E.g. Pale Moon now has a forked version of
Ad Block Plus to ensure that it works on Pale Moon..

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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