On Thu, 01 Jun 2017 23:31:25 +0200
Michał Górny <mgo...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> > There are probably dozens of ways to make that non deterministic.
> > Here's one: USE='-*'. Apply '|| ( cli cgi fpm apache2 embed phpdbg
> > )' last; this enables 'cli'. Since it's the last one, REQUIRED_USE
> > is not satisfied because of 'cli? ( ^^ ( readline libedit ) )'.
> > If you process it first, then you enable cli and readline and are
> > good.  
> You just take a second iteration, and things fall into place. That's
> not a problem.
> > > > Also, what happens if we applied all the constraints and
> > > > obtained some useflags setting that still fails REQUIRED_USE
> > > > check ?    
> > > 
> > > It can't happen. If you can apply all the constraints, then
> > > implicitly REQUIRED_USE is satisfied. If you can't apply all the
> > > constraints, then it just fails. Of course, we want to ultimately
> > > avoid that case.  
> > 
> > See the php example above. How do you ensure this does not happen?
> > 
> > Note that your assertion 'If you can apply all the constraints, then
> > implicitly REQUIRED_USE is satisfied.' is false: You're changing the
> > values of useflags, thus might violate some previously checked
> > constraint.  
> So you reiterate. Either you reach a solution (preferably there's only
> a single valid solution you can reach) or you hit a previous state
> which indicates a loop and you fail.

So, PM, for every ebuild, will need to store the (at most) 2^n states it
has already seen while trying to solve REQUIRED_USE and iterate until
it cannot proceed anymore or falls into a previous state (so that's 2^n
time too). That way we go from a linear time & linear space algorithm
to one in exponential time & space. That's probably not a good idea.

I think it's better to limit the number of iterations to some constant.
I'd say 1, then fail if REQUIRED_USE is still not satisfied. Maybe 2 or
3 can be useful but I think it'd be much harder to provide automated
checks for that and much harder for ebuild writers to understand what
will happen with the REQUIRED_USE they're about to write.



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