
As you folks may be aware I've been submitting patches here and there
for the ebuild repo to improve crossdev for mingw-w64 toolchains. Its
slow going and will take a while to cover all the edge cases this use
introduces, but every step is a good one.

My current package I'm working on is media-libs/libsfml, but the
questions here could equally apply to any package that makes sense to
have for a windows cross-compiler. In this case, its the virtual/libudev
and x11-libs/* RDEPs. While the latter may be useful in certain cases
(such as running a local x11 server on cygwin), the udev dep is largely
unneeded to my understanding. I've so far added an X use flag for those,
but I'm wondering if slapping a udev use flag is the best/correct option
in this case. wraeth has suggested a use conditional on kernel_Winnt,
what do you guys think?


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