On Fri, 16 Jun 2017 14:25:02 +0100
"M. J. Everitt" <m.j.ever...@iee.org> wrote:

> .. That was quick ...
> I swore there was something in the devmanual about a nice long period of
> bikeshedding before changes to eclasses were approved ..

The eclass writing and changes guide is described in devmanual and available
at https://devmanual.gentoo.org/eclass-writing/

Namely "Adding and Updating Eclasses" section includes rationale why one
should consider that. TL;DR: The goal is to serve both as an announcement
and as a chance to spot errors before affecting everyone.

Valuable feedback (ideally actionable or supportive) feedback is important
to community and individuals as it allows us all to make a step in the right

I view existence of bikeshedding centithreads (with zero valuable feedback)
as a negative side of Gentoo community as it's a time sink.
I suggest not to start and not to contribute to such threads.

Unfortunately even rare snarky comments don't work all that well in mailing 

Thanks for your patience and understanding :)



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