On Fri, Jul 07, 2017 at 01:07:57PM -0400, William L. Thomson Jr. wrote
> On Fri, 7 Jul 2017 12:57:17 -0400
> Brian Evans <grkni...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> > Beware of sets.. if you put toolchain packages in a set and later
> > do 'emerge --unmerge @custom-set' , emerge will happily destroy
> > your toolchain.
> That is not much different than removing a system package directly.
> If you do foolish things you will run into such problems. That would
> be a self inflicted issue. Likely done out of not knowing what you
> are doing.

  I build Pale Moon to my own custom specs, as well as a contributed
SSE-only build for older machines.  At one point, I read the list of
necessary stuff to do the build.  I incorporated the following into


> Though I will have to see what happens if a package is listed in more
> than one set. I think there is a hierarchy there.

  I tried "emerge -pv --unmerge @palemoon_build", and it was ready to
delete all the stuff, including gcc, etc.

> Not to mention if it was removed. I think the world or system set
> would pull it back in.

  Kind of hard to "pull it back in" if gcc or glib or ncurses isn't
present.  This is rather dangerous.  The problem is that, unlike an
ebuild, "emerge --unmerge @set" removes all packages in the set,
regardless of whether they're required by another package or not.

  I deleted /etc/portage/sets/palemoon_build, and the entry
"@palemoon_build" from /var/lib/portage/world_sets.  It turns out that
all these packages are required anyways.  hicolor-icon-theme was not
required previously, but <RANT> gtk seems to add more and more GNOME
dependencies every time I update my system. </RANT>

  Let's say I try to do this as a meta package.  So in my overlay I
create a category "meta-set" and a file "meta-set/pmbuild-0.ebuild"

KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"

  Does each entry have to be detailed with configure, install, etc,
stuff, or is this sufficient?

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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