On Thu, 17 Aug 2017 10:36:29 +0200
Michał Górny <mgo...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> Hi, everyone.
> I've written a new tool called shadowman [1] that aims to partially
> replace the current *-config tools shipped with ccache, distcc, icecc
> and potentially more.
> Why? Because the existing tools are inconsistent, inconvenient
> and usually incomplete. The README [2] states a number of advantages:
> | 1. one usage syntax that works for all tools,
> |
> | 2. ability to update/clean masquerades for multiple tools in one call,
> |
> | 3. consistent (and *good*) implementation -- now all tools get the same
> | executable list,
> |
> | 4. reduced code duplication,
> |
> | 5. modular layout that allows adding extra tools/compiler wildcards
> | by third-party packages.
> This thread includes patches that:
> a. add the package for shadowman (skipping some bundled modules for
> external inclusion) -- for testing it's just a live ebuild with full
> keyword set; I will obviously change that before the final inclusion;
> b. adds shadowman support to ccache, distcc & icecream packages
> (preserving the old utilities for compatibility),
> c. adds shadowman update call to toolchain.eclass & clang ebuilds
> so that the masquerades get updated automatically on gcc/clang upgrade.
> Please review. Alternatively available as PR on GitHub [3].
> [1]:https://github.com/mgorny/shadowman
> [2]:https://github.com/mgorny/shadowman/blob/master/README
> [3]:https://github.com/gentoo/gentoo/pull/5386

Looks ok.



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