On 01.06.2017 23:18, Jonas Stein wrote:
> 2. Specification
> ================
> A space separated list of the corresponding debian packages should be
> written in the field
> <remote-id type="debian"> </remote-id>
> It should be NONE, if debian has no corresponding package.
> UNSET or no field, if the creator of the ebuild did not set the field (yet).

Please pick NONE or require absence eventually, but not multiple
options.  Else we're asking for inconsistent data from the beginning.

> example:
> app-arch/tar/metadata.xml
> <remote-id type="debian">tar</remote-id>
> app-office/libreoffice-bin/metadata.xml
> <remote-id type="debian">libreoffice libreoffice-base libreoffice-base
> libreoffice-dev libreoffice-dmaths libreoffice-draw
> libreoffice-evolution libreoffice-impress</remote-id>

Since the difference between source and binary packages has already been
brought up, please adjust "<remote-id type="debian">" some way to
indicating if the text content is a source or a binary package (even if
we don't end up supporting both) to be 100% clear.  Otherwise people
will mix it up, and may not even notice.



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