On Sat, 9 Sep 2017 03:56:38 +1200
Kent Fredric <ken...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> > >> Sir, please see my above comment about building ballistic
> > >> missiles. It may be important for the Gentoo Foundation to add a
> > >> disclaimer similar to the one I mentioned. I would hate for the
> > >> Foundation or any of its administrators or contributors to be
> > >> found guilty of aiding and abetting terrorists.    
> > >
> > > Yeah. Stop trolling, please.
> > >    
> > 
> > I am being completely serious. You can find such a clause in the
> > iTunes license.
> > 
> > If it seems ridiculous please reconsider the subject in question.  
> I'm not sure how enforceable that clause is as a License.

Until recently, there was a clause in the Nauty licence prohibiting use
in "military applications". This was sufficient for the highly paid
lawyers who looked at it to recommend not redistributing Nauty as part
of the GAP computer algebra system, because computer algebra could
conceivably be used for blowing stuff up.

Ciaran McCreesh

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