W dniu pią, 08.09.2017 o godzinie 13∶19 +0200, użytkownik Michał Górny
> EAPI 7 is introducing new version manipulation and comparison functions
> that aim to replace versionator.eclass. This eclass provides an 'early
> adopter' versions of those routines.
> It serves two goals:
> a. getting wider review and some real-life testing before
> the specification is set in stone, and
> b. making it possible to adapt ebuilds to the new routines early,
> reducing the future work of EAPI 7 porting.
> For more details on the new logic, please see the eclass documentation.
> Long story short, we are introducing three functions:
> 1. ver_cut -- to get substrings of the version string,
> 2. ver_rs -- to replace version separators via indices,
> 3. ver_test -- to compare two version numbers.
> The third function is not implemented in the eclass. It's meant to reuse
> the algorithms from the package manager, and the final implementation
> will most likely reuse the code from the package manager (e.g. via IPC).

Merged now, with some documentation fixes and additional benchmark to
compare it with versionator.eclass. Here are the approximate results:

real 5.64 5.62 5.55 5.57 5.56 => 5.59 avg
user 6.25 6.23 6.24 6.10 6.09 => 6.18 avg
real 105.00 104.10 104.40 104.30 104.10 => 104.38 avg
user 71.30 71.40 71.20 70.70 71.80 => 71.28 avg
real 4.76 4.75 4.79 4.77 4.75 => 4.76 avg
user 5.16 5.48 5.60 5.62 5.11 => 5.39 avg
real 68.50 68.60 68.40 68.20 68.40 => 68.42 avg
user 51.60 51.40 51.10 51.60 52.30 => 51.60 avg

Please note that versionator tests were run with 10 times less
repetitions and the results were multiplied by 10 to avoid it taking

Best regards,
Michał Górny

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