On 2017-10-10 21:16, Andreas K. Huettel wrote:
> …
> Switching involves the following steps:
> If not already done,
> * Use gcc-config to select gcc-6.4.0 (or later) as system compiler
> * Re-source /etc/profile:
>     . /etc/profile
> * Re-emerge libtool

Should probably instruct users to upgrade all packages first because it
can be, as I’ve experienced, nearly impossible to upgrade GCC if the
world isn’t up to the latest stable.

An ‘emerge -avuDN world’ should do the trick as a first step.

> Then,
> * Select the new profile with eselect
> * Re-emerge, in this sequence, the selected gcc, binutils, and glibc
>     emerge -1 sys-devel/gcc:6.4.0
>     emerge -1 sys-devel/binutils
>     emerge -1 sys-libs/glibc

Some of these can take a while. Maybe we want to spell it out:

for p in sys-devel/gcc:6.4.0 sys-devel/binutils sys-libs/glibc; do
emerge -1 $p || break

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