On Wed, Nov 01, 2017 at 09:44:09AM +0100, Micha?? Górny wrote

> All that said, if we really have a problem that needs solving here, I'm
> not convinced MISC is the right solution for it. If people need to
> explicitly exclude stuff, then I suppose the configuration-injected
> ignore list is much better solution for this.

  An example of stuff you'd run into; my make.conf has the line...

  I've attached a script that I run whenever I add a directory to the
exclusion list.  It's specific to me, ie. program categories I don't
use.  It deletes the specified portage dirs, and updates the exclusion
file.  It really speeds up "emerge --sync" on my ancient Atom netbook
with 2 gigabytes of ram.  Will there still be an option to cycle through
all existing top-level subdirectories of /usr/portage and check against
the directory manifests?

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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