Ulrich Müller posted on Mon, 27 Nov 2017 00:30:49 +0100 as excerpted:

> diff --git a/glep-0042.rst b/glep-0042.rst
> index 7726ea4..90ae0b2 100644
> --- a/glep-0042.rst
> +++ b/glep-0042.rst
> @@ -179,7 +179,9 @@ form ``yyyy-mm-dd-short-name``, where ``yyyy`` is the 
> year (e.g. ``2005``),
>  ``mm`` is the month (``01`` through ``12``) and dd is the day of the month
>  (``01`` through ``31``). The ``short-name`` is a very short name describing 
> the
>  news item (e.g. ``yoursql-updates``), consisting only of the characters 
> ``a-z``,
> -``0-9``, ``+`` (plus), ``-`` (hyphen) and ``_`` (underscore).
> +``0-9``, ``+`` (plus), ``-`` (hyphen) and ``_`` (underscore). While there
> +is no hard restriction for the length of ``short-name``, it is strongly
> +recommended to limit it to at most 20 characters.

Arguably bikeshedding but changing up the last sentence to read a bit smoother
(I skipped formatting)...

While there is no hard restriction on the length of short-name,
limiting it to 20 characters is strongly recommended.

(s/for/on/, reversing order of the limit and strongly recommended.)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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