On Sat, Dec 30, 2017 at 3:49 AM, Toralf Förster <tor...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> On 12/30/2017 07:52 AM, Alice Ferrazzi wrote:
>> Hello,
>> We recently dropped the stable keywords for 4.14,
>> but 4.12 (the next stable in gentoo-sources) is no more
>> maintained from upstream.
>> The last update that 4.12 got from upstream was 2017-09-20,
>> and upstream is no more backporting security fixes since then.
>> Because of this, we will proceed to mask 4.12.
>> Keep in mind: If 4.14 works for you, you can keyword it and
>> continue to use it, if you need a more stable kernel, please
>> move to 4.9.
> At the LKML you can read that Linus Torvalds blames Gentoo GCC patch
> set  for few issues related to 4.14.9

Not the patch set so much as gcc itself and the hardened profile
enabling of -fstack-protector in the spec.  It sounds like upstream
may explicitly disable it, but it probably wouldn't hurt for the
ebuilds to do so as well if it is known to cause problems, at least
until gcc fixes whatever they're doing wrong.



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