Michael Lienhardt posted on Tue, 06 Feb 2018 23:53:05 +0100 as excerpted:

> Il 06/02/2018 15:00, Roy Bamford ha scritto:
>> Posting here to alert other potential helpers.
>> Your script uses
>> PACKAGE_KEYWORDS="/etc/portage/package.accept_keywords"
>> but thats a recent name change.
>> PACKAGE_KEYWORDS="/etc/portage/package.keywords"
>> is the old name and my older systems still use that.
>> You probably need to harvest both and process both as portage does.
> You are right, I was lazy (and hoped that everyone already made the
> switch because, as I understand it, package.keywords and
> package.accept_keywords do not have the same semantics).
> I added the package.keywords file/folder in the script.

AFAIK, (plain) etc-portage semantics are the same for both files -- that 
is, /etc/portage/package.keywords and the newer package.accept_keywords
are identical.

The reason for the new name and deprecation of the old one was that 
package.keywords also exists in the /profile/, where the semantics are 
different, which created confusion for devs and others attempting to edit 
the profile version as well as the more commonly user-edited (plain)
/etc/portage version.

(I add the parenthesized "(plain)" because there's also the deeper 
/etc/portage/profile path, which takes profile changes and therefore the 
profile format.  Actually, I suspect it was someone editing that using 
the wrong format and then filing a bug when things didn't work as 
expected that likely prompted the new name and deprecation of the old 


I've a rather unusual portage config here:

* /etc/portage/profile/packages contains a -* entry, negating the entire 
normal @system set.  Many normally @system packages I really need are 
dependencies of something or other I already have in @world anyway, and 
I've added @world entries where necessary to keep the few exceptions 

* My USE starts with a -* entry as well, negating profile and package USE 
defaults so I have direct control of all USE flag settings and don't have 
to worry about USE flag changes on profile updates or tracking down why a 
flag is changing when I didn't change anything, both previous problems I 
had to deal with until I set that initial -*, so the only flags set are 
the ones I deliberately chose, myself.

* My world file (/var/lib/portage/world) is empty.  I've categorized 
everything into individual sets found in /etc/portage/sets, with those in 
turn listed in the world_sets file (/var/lib/portage/world_sets).

* Overlays... (Less unusual, but still not mainline...) I run nearly all 
the kde I have installed (frameworks/plasma/apps), as well as a few other 
packages, from the live-git *-9999 packages found in the gentoo/kde 
overlay (and others).  Package keywording/masking is adjusted 
accordingly.  (Everything else is mainline ~amd64.)

I expect  one or more of these you won't have anticipated so they'll 
present a challenge for your current script, but because it /is/ a rather 
unusual setup, I'm not sure it's worth your trouble to bother with.

OTOH, if you want unusual corner-cases to test...

So bother sending the results in (you're ready for it already), or you 
want them, but wait until you've adjusted the script to deal with it, or 
don't bother, you're not going to try supporting anything that unusual 

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
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