W dniu wto, 13.02.2018 o godzinie 07∶49 +0000, użytkownik Martin Vaeth
> Michael Lienhardt <michael.lienha...@laposte.net> wrote:
> > 
> > ad-hoc fixes and tweaks that can hardly be encoded into SAT constraints.
> The main difficulty which I see is that one does not want only _some_
> solution, but among all solutions one which optimizes certain quantities.
> So it seems to me that a discrete optimization under constraints
> is required instead of a pure SAT solver (although formally, of course,
> such an optimization problem can be reduced to SAT, I do not know whether
> you went the road):
> a. The number of packages which change their status (from installed to
> uninstalled or vice versa) should be minimal.
> b. Similarly, the number of USE-flag changes necessary to achieve this
> aim should be minimized.
> (You didn't tell whether your solver already supports such changes,
> but when it is finished, it definitely should.)
> Hopefully in near future, there will be a second class of USE-flags
> whose change is "cheap" which should be excluded from this minimization
> restriction:
> https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=424283
> I think the main reason why nobody dared to implement them yet
> (although almost everybody wants them) are exactly these implications
> on the current solver in portage which nobody dares to change anymore
> seriously.
> c. A solution with dependency loops should be avoided if possible
> (which is why currently the PDEPEND hacks do exist: To tell the solver
> which loops are not a problem.)
> d. In || ( ... ) clauses the left-most packages should be preserved.
> There are similar (and more difficult) rules for REQUIRED_USE.
> e. Last but not least: The preferences are ordered a > b > c > d
> (A dependency loop of uninstalled packages should probably have even
> higher priority than a).
> Additionally the change installed -> uninstalled should be less
> "expensive" than the change uninstalled -> installed.
> The correct weighting of the quantities should probably be a matter
> of discussion (or preferrably even user-customizable), and preferrably
> should not depend only on the number of packages but also on other
> customizable quantities (e.g. the package size).

Thank you for listing this. However, I think you've missed the most
important point: we want to prefer the newest version, whenever possible

Best regards,
Michał Górny

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