On Fri, 27 Jul 2018 16:31:15 +0200
Ulrich Mueller <u...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> >>>>> On Fri, 27 Jul 2018, Corentin “Nado” Pazdera wrote:  
> > July 27, 2018 4:07 PM, "William Hubbs" <willi...@gentoo.org>
> > wrote:  
> >> Section 5.5.2 describes the directory structure of /var/cache.
> >> These paths are all optional [1].
> >> 
> >> /var/cache/fonts
> >> /var/cache/man
> >> /var/cache/www
> >> /var/cache/<package>
> >> 
> >> Gentoo isn't a package, so I don't think /var/cache/gentoo/* is
> >> appropriate. Here is my proposal:
> >> 
> >> /usr/portage -> /var/db/repos/gentoo
> >> /usr/portage/distfiles -> /var/cache/portage/distfiles
> >> /usr/portage/packages -> /var/cache/portage/binpkgs
> >> 
> >> I'm not 100% comfortable with /var/db, but I don't have any better
> >> suggestion either.
> >> 
> >> [1]
> >> http://refspecs.linuxfoundation.org/FHS_3.0/fhs-3.0.html#varcacheApplicationCacheData
> >>   
> > From the same source
> > "No other requirements are made on the data format of the cache
> > directories."
> > And as you have quoted it, everything under /var/cache is
> > optional.  
> > So anything which doesn't conflict with another package seems fine
> > according to FHS.  
> That's how I would read it, too. We could of course invent a package
> name (like "package-manager" for virtual/package-manager) but it seems
> cumbersome, and I don't see any benefit of it.
> There also is /var/cache/fonts, so the FHS itself lists an example of
> a directory that's not named after a specific package.
> Ulrich


Works for me, just please keep "portage" out of it, after all distfiles
are not restricted to portage use only, and neither are binpkgs.  There
is alternate binpkg installers.

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