Andrew Savchenko schrieb:
So my proposal is:

1) Deprecate QA policy with unconditional demand of -Werror removal.
2) Add to devmanual's chapter on -Werror an exception clause about
security-oriented software and maintainer's right to make final

Likely this proposal will not fly. I understand that -Werror is a precautionary measure against installing broken code on user systems, and I am all for using it when upstream says so. But it is understandably unwelcome by many on Gentoo. If ebuilds started to use -Werror in greater numbers, perceived tree quality would go down as build failures increase.

"But it's for your own good!" you would tell users who are angry again that package XY didn't compile. -Werror gets in the way of users getting things done, and if that happens too often, you might drive those users out.

So while I would very much like to see -Werror allowed, this is just not going to happen.

Best regards,
Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn

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