On Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 2:21 PM Roy Bamford <neddyseag...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> "The archive members support optional OpenPGP signatures.
> The implementations must allow the user to specify whether OpenPGP
> signatures are to be expected in remotely fetched packages."
> Or can the user specify that only some elements need to be signed?
> Is it a problem if not all elements are signed with the same key?
> That could happen if one person makes a  binpackage and someone
> else updates the metadata.

IMO this is going a bit into PM details for a GLEP that is about
container formats.

Presumably any package manager is going to need to figure out what
keys are/aren't valid and allow the user to configure this behavior.
Users who want to go editing package innards will presumably adjust
their package manager settings to accept their modifications, whether
it means accepting their own sigs or disabling them.


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