Matt Turner schrieb:
The most important one is support for the 256 MB RAM devices (original RPi
Model B), which works fine on raspberrypi-userland. vc4 still has issues if
less than 256 MB RAM are allocated to the GPU.

That sounds like an awful device to run Gentoo on.

Compiling on a 256 MB Raspberry Pi 1 Model B is of course no joy. Before mine broke, I plugged the SD card into another, faster ARM computer, chrooted in and emerged updates. That was ok.

I'd like to require libglvnd for all libGL providers and get rid of
app-eselect/eselect-opengl. What do you suggest we do about

I suggest to drop eselect-opengl and its dependency in raspberrypi-userland. raspberrypi-userland installs into /opt anyway so should not conflict with anything else. And those people who really need acceleration on 256 MB devices will have to set the proper environment variables.

Best regards,
Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn

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