
Some time ago William asked me to move UID/GID assignments from wiki [1]
to something more accessible.  I've finally gotten around to draft
something, and I'd like to hear your comments about it.  The idea is to
keep a whitespace-separated record format file in api.gentoo.org repo.

This is mostly inspired by Fedora's format, specifically the ability to
specify both UID and GID for matching user/group on the same line.
I've also decided not to attempt to specify disjoint Linux and FreeBSD
users/groups on a single line.  Instead, they are specified separately
and defined by providers (as suggested by Ulrich).

Sample, along with big comment explaining the file format, below.

[1] https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Quality_Assurance/UID_GID_Assignment


# vim:se ts=8 sts=8 tw=0 :
# This file provides a registry of active, requested and historical UID
# and GID assignments in the Gentoo repository.  Each line represents
# a single record, with the first line providing field headers.  Empty
# lines and comments are ignored.  Fields are separated by whitespace,
# with the last (note) field extending to end of line.  Note that
# additional fields may be added in the future.
# A single record can represent a user, a group or a combination of both
# using the same name.  Same user/group/UID/GID can be repeated
# in mutiple records to reflect reality.  If you can't express something
# with a single record, split it.
# NAME: user/group name
# UID: UID assigned to the user, or '-' if only group is defined
# GID: GID assigned to the group, or '-' if only user is defined
# PROVIDER: keyword identifying provider of user/group, see below
# NOTES: human-readable notes about the assignment, optional
# Valid values for PROVIDER are:
# - acct: acct-user/${NAME} and/or acct-group/${NAME} packages
# - baselayout: user/group defined in passwd/group files from baselayout
# - baselayout-fbsd: same as baselayout but on FreeBSD system
# - historical: historical UID/GID assignment, no longer used nowadays
# - requested: assignment requested on the ml, not yet pushed
# - reserved: special reserved range
# - user.eclass: user/group created via user.eclass directly in package
# Use PROVIDERs that apply best at the moment.  For example, if user
# was migrated from user.eclass to acct-user/ with the same UID, just
# list the latter.
# Please keep the list sorted by UID, GID, PROVIDER, NAME (in order).

NAME            UID     GID     PROVIDER        NOTES
root            0       0       baselayout
root            0       -       baselayout-fbsd
toor            0       -       baselayout-fbsd FreeBSD lists both names in 
wheel           -       0       baselayout-fbsd
bin             1       1       baselayout
daemon          1       1       baselayout-fbsd
daemon          2       2       baselayout
operator        2       5       baselayout-fbsd
adm             3       4       baselayout
bin             3       7       baselayout-fbsd
sys             -       3       baselayout
sys             -       3       baselayout-fbsd
lp              4       7       baselayout
tty             4       4       baselayout-fbsd
sync            5       -       baselayout
kmem            5       2       baselayout-fbsd
tty             -       5       baselayout
shutdown        6       -       baselayout
mail            6       6       baselayout-fbsd
disk            -       6       baselayout
halt            7       -       baselayout
games           7       -       baselayout-fbsd
lp              -       7       acct
ftp             21      21      acct            removed from baselayout svn in 
sshd            22      22      user.eclass     removed from baselayout svn in 
at              25      25      user.eclass     removed from baselayout svn in 
smtpd           25      25      user.eclass
rpc             111     111     historical      used by net-nds/portmap, 
removed in 36e60cce
portage         250     250     baselayout
(reserved)      500-999         500-999         reserved
(reserved)      1000-60000      1000-60000      reserved        

Best regards,
Michał Górny

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