On Thu, 12 Sep 2019 23:12:52 +0200
Michał Górny <mgo...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> Since when it is a bug that when you strip debug info, you don't have
> debug info?  I thought that's precisely what stripping debug info means
> but maybe in the special Go world it is different, and debug info is
> expected to remain after stripping it.

I think the distinction may be because typically, people use external
tools to consume debug info, thus, people without said tools aren't
disadvantaged by stripping.

But when the program itself uses its own debug info as part of its
behaviour, it seems more reasonable that you might want to keep those.

For instance, if you build a rust binary "without debugging" and "with
optimization", you still actually get *some* debugging symbols, just
not all of them, and you still get useful backtraces that are vaguely
related when a panic happens.

But if you point strip at it, panic-backtraces become much less useful.

And given the nature of Rust and Go, where tripping a panic is pretty
much a "file a bug immediately" situation, it seems silly to have
programs having the capacity to print their own backtraces, but also
being useless for reporting bugs.

( I need to look into if rust does the right thing if you do
split-debugs, but I doubt it, I was under the impression bringing the
split debug info back into context is gdb magic )

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