On Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 11:44 AM Alec Warner <anta...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>  - repomirror-ci and all the CI stuff is on infra because mgorny is also on 
> infra! It's not like we set his stuff up for him; instead we gave him access 
> to all the infra repos and he had to write his own puppet configs and 
> whatnot. The benefit of course is that anyone on infra can bump the stuff and 
> login to the machines and debug...but its not exactly a low bar.
> ..
> I think traditionally it's been a slog for non-infra people to get infra to 
> host much of anything and due to difficulties with the all-or-nothing 
> approach we take with infra credenteials; can really set a high bar to host 
> much of anything these days.

Seems like a way to improve this would be better documentation and a
DIY infra testing platform.

First, document how to prepare a service for infra hosting.  Maybe
provide an example service.

Second, publish a tarball of a container/chroot that basically
simulates an infra host for testing purposes.  Provide instructions on
how to configure/run it.  Make it easy - edit this config file to
point to your repo, put the name of your service/host here, etc.

Anybody developing a service could then just follow the instructions
and then test out their service in a similar environment to what infra
uses.  Nobody needs to be trusted with any credentials.  Nobody needs
access to any special repos.  They can run the container on their own
host, and point it at their favorite git repo hosting service.

Once it is working all they need to do is give the link to their
repo/etc to infra.  Infra can then fork it and host it.  The
maintainer can submit pull requests as needed to infra.


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