Michał Górny wrote:
> > > I think the three main ways forward from here would be to either:
> > > 
> > > 1. Keep LibreSSL for indefinite time (possibly masked)
> > > 2. Eventually move LibreSSL to libressl overlay.
> > > 3. Eventually remove LibreSSL.
> > 
> > 4. A libressl or libressl-libtls ebuild installs only libtls.
> dev-libs/libretls already does that.

dev-libs/libretls doesn't install a libressl libtls.

This thread is obviously about how the libressl implementation remains
in use.

It's clear now that you want to hinder that in Gentoo at any cost to
the community, but that's not useful, so please take a step back unless
you are actually going to be constructive.

My proposition 4. (which I suggested already earlier - you shouldn't
have ignored it) is obviously not about having any libtls provider in
the tree, but to model reality accurately and ensure that libretls is
the primary and prefered libtls provider, since it is literally the
libtls upstream.

It is important to me that you can choose dev-libs/libretls instead of
having any libretls code on your systems, but I reject you forcing that
choice of yours on everyone else.


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