On 2021-01-08 17:03, Mike Gilbert wrote:
I strongly object to you pushing this patch as-is. There have been
plenty of non-technical objections, including from the eclass

The eclass maintainer has disqualified himself going into a technical debate with saying

So, over my dead commit access.

in his first posting.

This is a technical mailing list. Currently, acct-* stuff is breaking stuff. Nobody has challenged this yet.

Now I proposed a way how to unbreak stuff.

Please tell me why we should keep broken stuff for non-technical reason and cause harm for those who are affected?

It's not like we cannot address the other stuff later. It's about getting the fix down to users who are currently affected by this. So why take hostage when some user(s) ignore the problem for more than a year and show that they are not interested in collaboration to find a solution for a technical problem they created despite warnings before this went live?

Of course, if you are not affected by this problem it is very easy to relax and sit back. You have all the time in the world... but when you are affected by this at large scale it is not that funny anymore.

Thomas Deutschmann / Gentoo Linux Developer
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