Hi all,

For those with ebuild overlays on GitHub interested in QA, I've hacked
up an initial GitHub Action for pkgcheck using javascript action support
[1] that simplifies running pkgcheck and allows for custom arguments.
For those familiar with github workflows, the examples on the
pkgcheck-action homepage should be self-explanatory.

If you already happen to have pieced together your own pkgcheck
workflow, I'd suggest migrating to the official action since it enables
many features such as cache support, colored output, internalized gentoo
repo syncing, repo metadata generation, and more that your workflow
probably doesn't handle. In addition, other interesting features such as
incremental output (showing what changed between scans) and possibly
even incremental scanning may be supported if I'm inspired.

Note that the project is still quite fresh so I'm looking for people
willing to report bugs and/or make feature requests. After some time
I'll probably publish a release to the GitHub marketplace so it'll be
easier to find for newcomers.


[1]: https://github.com/pkgcore/pkgcheck-action

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