>>>>> On Fri, 23 Jul 2021, Alice  wrote:

> Gentoo is about choice. if there are users that want to use deblob I
> don't see why we don't have to add the option.

Sure, choice is good.

My point is, when we changed the ACCEPT_LICENSE default to @FREE in
2019, there was a discussion if we could remove LICENSE="linux-firmware"
from kernel packages. The conclusion was that we could do so starting
with version 4.14, because in that version firmware was gone from the
Linux kernel tree.

Now, either our conclusion back then was right, then >=*-sources-4.14
are under a free software license, and I don't understand what would be
the purpose of deblobbing. Could somebody more knowledgeable please
explain it to me?

Or our conclusion was wrong, which means that there are still non-free
files in the kernel tree. Again, could someone explain and show me
examples of such non-free files?


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