Hi, everyone.

I've been asked to repost the idea of removing SHA512 hash from
Manifests, effectively limiting them to BLAKE2B.

The 'old' set of Gentoo hashes including SHA512 went live in July 2012.
In November 2017, we have decided to remove the two other hashes and add
BLAKE2B in their stead.  Today, all Gentoo packages are using BLAKE2B
and SHA512 hashes.

To all extent, this is purely a cosmetic change.  The benefit from
removing the additional hash is negligible, both from space perspective
and hashing speed perspective.  The benefit from keeping two hashes is
also negligible.

Back during the 2017 discussion, Infra came to the conclusion that we're
going to keep SHA512 for a transition period, then remove it, and stay
with a single hash algorithm.  In my opinion, we have kept it long


Best regards,
Michał Górny

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