On 7/24/21 2:15 PM, Andreas K. Huettel wrote:
>>>>>> My modest opinion on the topic is:
>>>>>> As far that is free software and there are users that use deblob, I
>>>>>> don't see any reason on why we should not support this and give them
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> choice. Gentoo is about choice.
> [snip]
>> deblob is only supported for rt-sources.
>> gentoo-sources currently doesn't have deblob.
> So deblob is highly important for choice, you say.
> Also, the kernel sources that everyone uses don't offer deblob.
> Somehow this discussion is getting ridiculous.

1.      There is nothing wrong with a maintainer of a specific kernel 
package to add support for deblob. They're the maintainer and it's their choice 
support that or not.

2. I removed deblob from gentoo-sources because it was annoying at the time
(I hear the script has changed now), and rather than make it less annoying, I 
my time was better spent on other things. 

3. Something does not have to be in gentoo-sources for it to have relevance. 
I think that's obvious and should not be an argument to include something or 

Mike Pagano
Gentoo Developer - Kernel Project
Gentoo Sources - Lead 
E-Mail     : mpag...@gentoo.org
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