>>>>> On Fri, 13 Aug 2021, David Seifert wrote:

> On Mon, 2021-08-09 at 19:50 +0200, Thomas Deutschmann wrote:
>> Interesting. You don't even now my view on this but you already have
>> an opinion and are saying that I am the culprit. I think this is
>> called "prejudiced".

> To this day, we're still waiting for your view/statement/rebuttal of the
> points, but have yet to receive anything.

>> I am pretty sure that as a ComRel member you will abstain
>> from this case as you seem to be superior. I mean you are publicly 
>> attacking me for 10+ months, rejected any attempt from my side when I 
>> tried to speak with you to get things sorted and now you showed how 
>> biased your are...

> The last message I received from you was on 10 Jul. I have sent 3
> follow-up messages before Monday, 12 Jul (when the Bernd low hit
> Germany). Since then, nothing. And before you invoke the Bernd argument:
> I'm also a first responder, and while the high Rhine wasn't nearly as
> badly affected as the middle Rhine/Eifel area in terms of floodings, I
> understand that you might not have had the time to respond (even though
> you pushed 19 commits to ::gentoo on 13 Jul). That said, "let me check
> whether soap wrote something in PM" seems to have never occurred since
> 12 Jul at any point, which raises doubts as to whether this is such a
> critical issue after all...

Can you please take this discussion private? gentoo-dev is a technical
mailing list, and while [1] still qualifies as on-topic (IMHO), the
three messages following it in this sub-thread are off-topic here.



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