
On 2021/10/05 05:04, Sam James wrote:

> Hi all,
> Chainsaw asked retirement@ to drop him to maintainer-needed on his packages, 
> so here's the resultant
> packages with no maintainers left:
That's a shame.  Big loss.
> app-arch/rpm

createrepo_c depends on this, willing to grab it purely for that. 
rpmdevtools is the other big consumer - kensington - you willing to
handle this one?

> net-libs/iax

I believe this can be last rited.  This is a voice package but I can't
find consumers, nor does it look useful as is (no .so being installed,
and otherwise it's just a pkg-config style iax-config, but references
not-installed libiax).  I thus believe the package looks to be broken.
Adding last-rite.

> net-misc/astmanproxy
Potentially useful.  Will look into this.  For now I'll mark myself as
proxymaintainer.  If someone else wants to grab instead, please feel
free to do so.  I may end up last-riting this, so if there are users of
this, please let me know, or just grab the package.
> net-misc/bgpq3
> net-misc/stuntman

Will take these.  May want to consider replacing bgpq3 with bgpq4


Kind Regards,

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