On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 12:00:30PM -0500, Michael Orlitzky wrote:
> Can I request that Bug: and Closes: tags in our commits automatically
> CC the committer on the bug that is modified?
> Use case: I often fix (sci-*) bugs that I'm not CCed on, and a user
> will leave a comment like "it still crashes on x86" that I never see.
> Of course, I could manually CC myself on every bug. But that will send
> everyone an extra email, and is forgettable. Plus, avoiding the manual
> step is kind of the point of the automation, right?
> One potential downside is that the commit author could wind up CCed
> twice via an alias, but that could be solved with a sufficiently clever
> implementation. Or disregarded if it's not too much of a problem in
> practice; the bugs will usually be closed, after all.


Even in case of projects where I'd already get mail, I treat CC
specially in filters to try to not miss it. esp relevant on some
noisy aliases like proxy-maint@

/If/ some aren't happy at the idea, maybe there could be a opt-out
feature that'd be adjustable on d.g.o? (having some of these automated
things be configurable could be something to think about either way).


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