On Wed, 2022-11-23 at 15:37 +0100, Michał Górny wrote:

> PMS doesn't say anything about (new-style) virtuals.  It's a Gentoo
> policy entirely.

This is listed as a retroactive change,

  Note: A ‘new-style virtual’ is a normal package that installs no 
  files and uses its dependency requirements to pull in a ‘provider’.

> Do you have any specific concerns about having an extra category?
> I'm not aware of any real costs involved, or real reasons to use
> categories scarcely.
> ...
> I don't really care how it's named.  I've chosen "sys-" because in my
> PoC it happens to control tools that are part of the base system.
> I suppose we could also want it for less important stuff like notify-
> send (though I guess I'll lastrite that eselect anyway).  I think we
> should just use one category for all of them, and I'm open to a
> better name.

The main reason the new category is distasteful to me is because it's
*so close* to being a virtual. For one, having these packages be
virtuals would make them somewhat self-explanatory to end users. If
we're collectively willing to overlook the "no files" bit, are there
any other reasons to avoid using virtual/ ?

Regardless, since I specifically called out the "meta" suffix, let me
put forward sys-alternatives as an alternative.

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