On 12/9/23 10:51 AM, Luke A. Guest wrote:
>>> Can we add the following patch to the toolchain.eclass? I want to stop
>>> having to mess with this overlay. The diff can be generated by
>>> grabbing the repo https://github.com/Lucretia/ada-overlay and running
>>> ./scripts/diff_eclass.sh.
>> It'd be useful to send the whole lot with `git send-email` as proper
>> patches which could be `git am`'d.
> Ok, just looked at this. I don't have sendmail installed here. Due to
> the way I've worked on this, the only way I know how to btw and which
> was pointed to initially on the #gentoo-* channels. Which is to have a
> remote (covered in the README from today) in which I can diff the eclass
> with my version to make sure I only ever have ada changes and cherry
> pick what I need into my eclass.
> If there is a way, I'll send it, but you'll need to guide me on what I
> need to do to do it.

The git send-email tools don't require mail-mta/sendmail installed, but
they do need git to be built with USE=perl. That being said, not
everyone is familiar with how to actually use `git send-email`, it can
be a bit tricky to set it up to connect with your email account via
SMTP. In particular, if your provider doesn't like you to authenticate
without OAuth.

If you like, there's a way to prepare your patches via a guided web UI
workflow: https://man.sr.ht/git.sr.ht/#sending-patches-upstream

tl;dr push your repository to https://git.sr.ht and have it send out the
commits you select to the email address you select.

Hope that helps,

Eli Schwartz

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