On Tue, 2023-12-19 at 12:50 +0100, Michał Górny wrote:
> > > --- a/media-plugins/gst-plugins-gtk/metadata.xml
> > > +++ b/media-plugins/gst-plugins-gtk/metadata.xml
> > > @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
> > >         <name>GStreamer package maintainers</name>
> > >  </maintainer>
> > >  <use>
> > > -       <flag name="egl">Enable EGL platform usage</flag>
> > >         <flag name="gles2">Enable gtkglsink OpenGL sink based on
> > > GLESv2 API</flag>
> > >         <flag name="opengl">Enable gtkglsink OpenGL sink based on
> > > desktop OpenGL API</flag>
> > >  </use>
> > 
> > Please do not lose extra information provided in local descriptions
> > in this and many other cases where you remove the local description
> > (in other proposed global USE flag cases as well). Just don't
> > remove the local description then. Thanks.
> > 
> I've used my best judgment to figure out whether the local
> description actually provides any "extra information".  I didn't
> touch the gtkglsink-related flags since they provided some
> information. I fail to see how "platform usage" adds any information.

With the tabs in the raw patch indent rendered as 8 spaces, my eyes
shifted (no less than on 3 looking occurrences while also trying to get
only this chunk into the reply) and I thought you are removing
precisely that gtkglsink comment, sorry!

> If you have "other proposed global USE flag cases" that are removing
> information, please be more specific.

I don't think any of these are very important, but if I were to

* x11-apps/mesa-progs local gles2 USE desc looked vaguely more useful
than the new global; might be even more useful if it named the
utilities by name (main one of interest is es2_info).
* "asm - Enable using assembly for optimization" reads a bit weird -
ultimately C, rust, etc end up using assembly in a way too. I would
have went with something more of the "Enable use of hand optimized
assembly routines" theme for the global desc.
* gnustep-base/gnustep-gui USE=speech seems to have told something
completely different than the global USE flag; maybe was looked into
and determined it's actually indeed text-to-speech* Some specify what
dep is used, but in many cases it's the obvious candidate. Maybe games-
engine/scummvm isn't that obvious. But users will see from the deptree.
* kde-apps/konqueror and net-misc/eventd specifies USE=speech installs
a plugin, which might be useful information IF that's something that
might need to be enabled by user on top to load the plugin. Not


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