
I've been maintaining several Doom packages, but recently as I've picked up more projects outside of Gentoo I have been pushing maintenance of these Doom packages lower and lower on my To-Do list. I don't want them to stay neglected, and since I don't see myself giving these packages the attention they require, I'm offering them up for a new maintainer:


The chocolate-doom package has a lot of patches under the files directory, but all of these should go away when version 3.1.0 is released by upstream.[^1]

The freedm, freedm-data, freedoom, and freedoom-data packages are closely related and share the same installation source; they should all be updated at the same time for each release. There is already a Gentoo bug open for the version 0.13.0 release.[^2] The maintainer of these packages should also consider maintaining the deutex package which is used to build the WAD files.

The gzdoom package already has a Gentoo bug open for the version 4.11.3 release, which will require adding a new dependency on the media-libs/libwebp package.[^3] Two other Gentoo bugs[^4] are open regarding musl support (which upstream does not support). Upstream can sometimes be difficult to work with as they prefer users download the prebuilt binaries, use the bundled libraries, etc. -- philosophies that naturally clash with Gentoo ideals. However, they do accept patches so it's not all bad, and more recently vesion bumps have been pretty smooth with no need to send patches upstream.

The prboom-plus package technically has a Gentoo bug open for a 2.6.66 version bump[^5], but upstream considers the project superseded by dsda-doom[^6] project.


William Breathitt Gray

[^1]: https://github.com/chocolate-doom/chocolate-doom/pull/1623
[^2]: https://bugs.gentoo.org/926025
[^3]: https://bugs.gentoo.org/926024
[^4]: https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/games-fps/gzdoom/bugs
[^5]: https://bugs.gentoo.org/908973
[^6]: https://github.com/kraflab/dsda-doom

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