* QA Notice: The ebuild is installing to one or more unexpected paths:
 *   /var/tmp/portage/sys-cluster/legion-9999/image/usr/bin/legion_prof_files
 *   /var/tmp/portage/sys-cluster/legion-9999/image/usr/bin/serializer_examples
 * Please fix the ebuild to use correct FHS/Gentoo policy paths.

This message is hard to understand. Is it saying that the resulting
package contains files prefixed with ${D} which would be immensely
broken? Is it saying that these paths are *directories* and the FHS does
not approve of directories in /usr/bin/*/?

In fact, it's the latter. Fix this in two ways:

- clarify that it's an unexpected directory, not just some kind of path

- strip ${D} so that people can better visualize what sort of path gets
  installed. This has the downside of not being able to copy/paste the
  path in order to inspect the image directory, but I think this is a
  very small downside. Usually by the time you see this message, portage
  has cleaned up. And if it hasn't, you can still copy/paste that from:

  Completed installing sys-cluster/legion-9999 into 

Signed-off-by: Eli Schwartz <eschwart...@gmail.com>
 metadata/install-qa-check.d/08gentoo-paths | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/metadata/install-qa-check.d/08gentoo-paths 
index 5b8607fd5f96..0b92a7a1c132 100644
--- a/metadata/install-qa-check.d/08gentoo-paths
+++ b/metadata/install-qa-check.d/08gentoo-paths
@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ gentoo_path_check() {
        # report
        # ------
        if [[ -n ${bad_paths[@]} ]]; then
-               eqawarn "QA Notice: The ebuild is installing to one or more 
unexpected paths:"
+               eqawarn "QA Notice: The ebuild is installing to one or more 
unexpected directories:"
-               eqatag -v non-gentoo-paths "${bad_paths[@]}"
+               eqatag -v non-gentoo-paths "${bad_paths[@]#${D%/}}"
                eqawarn "Please fix the ebuild to use correct FHS/Gentoo policy 

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