On Sun, Mar 06, 2005 at 11:31:25AM +0100, Jan Kundrát wrote:
> Anyway, this isn't the first timesomething similar appeared in the 
> forums, so maybe the handbook should say:
> "Don't set ~arch globally unless you really know what are you doing. A 
> lot of things could work differently than specified in the handbook."

Oh come on, what's wrong with just 
    We recommend that you only use the stable branch. However, if you don't
    care about stability this much and you want to help out Gentoo by
    submitting bugreports to http://bugs.gentoo.org, read on.

Do we really need to hold the user's hands, put in a big, brite, blinking,
red warning?

      Sven Vermeulen

  Documentation & PR project leader

  The Gentoo Project   <<< http://www.gentoo.org >>>

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