Hi all,

The creation of the handbook/2004.3 was a real PITA and I would like to avoid
that occurring again with the 2005.0.

*Before* 2005.0 is released and before we create
http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/2005.0/index.xml and co., could we
create instead a www.g.o/doc/en/handbook/current/index.xml, copy the 2004.3
files in it, commit, and *then* commit the draft 2005.0 over them so that it
becomes trivial for translators to see what's changed between versions?
When 2005.1 is released, we create a 2005.0 directory and cp the current files
in it, then copy the draft 2005.1 files over current...
This not only makes it easier for translators to keep up but also allows us to
view the history of changes across releases.

Unless I get strong vocal complaints, I'll do it, very soon...

If anyone disagrees, please let's commit the current 2004.3 files first in the
new 2005.0 dir and then commit the new versions on top.

Cheers, -- / Xavier Neys \_ Gentoo Documentation Project / French & Internationalisation Lead \ http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en /\

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