On Friday 01 April 2005 18.27, Sven Vermeulen wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 31, 2005 at 09:28:32PM +0200, Martin Skjöldebrand wrote:
> > I think the two paragraphs discribing the masking/unmasking of
> > =net-mail/hotwayd-0.8 say just about the same thing. Is it possible to
> > change that in a translation?
> In what way do they say the same thing? Both are totally different items,
> the first one unmasks (package.unmask) a masked package, the second one
> masks (package.mask) a package that is emerge'able.
> I'm not sure what you mean here...

It's probably just me.
I was taught in school not to create one sentence paragraphs, which is 
consistent through a few files I thought; like:

When you don't want Portage to take a certain package or a specific version of 
a package into account you can mask it yourself by adding an appropriate line 
to <path>/etc/portage/package.mask</path>.

For instance, if you don't want Portage to install newer kernel sources than
<c>development-sources-</c>, you add the following line to

Two one sentence paragraphs. It's possibly a readability thing, but it got to 
me when I saw it consistently across files.  When I read that when 
translating  it feels like we are repeating in the second paragraph what we 
just said in the one above.

No big deal, just a bit tired after the longest translation session so far.


Martin S.
Martin Skjöldebrand (http://www.skjoldebrand.org)
Gentoo Linux: martoni @ irc.freenode.net
Scandinavian Archaeology http://www.scandarch.com

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