Jan KundrÃt wrote:
Xavier Neys wrote:

guide.xsl will still handle <codenote>'s so that we do not have to fix a
bunch of old GWN's.

So you'll have to maintain one useless language construct. Why not do some sed-ing and avoid possible troubles in future - "hey, this tag is neither documented nor used, let's remove it"...

If there's an easy way to get all the XML source files, I could create
patches :-).

If all it took was s/codenote/comment/g, it would be trivial and I would not even suggest leaving it in guide.xsl. FYI, it only takes a few lines right before the bit that handles <comment>. It really does not cost anything to keep it in there.
Unfortunately, there are currently 272 xml files containing a <codenote> that are not DTD-compliant, most of them old GWNs.
If you feel like fixing all the files that are not DTD-compliant, be me guest. I'll give you the list of files.

For those interested:
htdocs $ for x in `find . -iname '*xml' -exec grep -l codenote {} \;`;do xmllint --noout --valid $x 2>&1;done|grep '^\./'|cut -d: -f1|sort|uniq|wc -l

Cheers, -- / Xavier Neys \_ Gentoo Documentation Project / French & Internationalisation Lead \ http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en /\

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