On Sun, Apr 23, 2006 at 09:06:43PM +0200, Dieter Ries wrote:
> could you please describe to a newbie what that mux-board is, what it looks 
> like, where i can find it and how i can remove it?
> That would be great!
The mux board I removed was model J2092A. It has a giant 73 pin female
DB type connector in it, and other markings like an LED with Mux Status,
RS-232-C Direct Connect MUX.

As a side not, while I was configuring the kernel for my system, I
noticed the max number of mux ports was set to 16. I thought this may
have been the problem since the MPD has 8 ports (even though I can only
find 1), and the J2092A has an addition 16 ports, so I was looking at 24
ports total. When I configured my kernel, I set this value to 32, hoping
that would resolve the issue. I just tried putting the J2092A back in,
and I saw simiar problems. I am continuing to research this issue as I
would like to have the Mux card installed, and I don't have a filler
plate to cover the hole where the mux card should be. It is starting to
look like a nice piece of Duct Tape may be neede to full the hole though

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