On Sat, 05 Dec 2009 13:11:07 -0600, Jeremy Olexa <darks...@gentoo.org>
> Hello mirror-admins,
> The Gentoo mirror-admin team will officially close applications for new 
> mirrors starting today. In Feb 2010, we will re-evaluate if we need more

> mirrors or not.
> We want to give time for new projects. A few of those are:
> - Deploy new mirrorstats.gentoo.org/{,rsync}
> - Handle ipv6 mirrors better. New rotations, etc.
> Thanks,
> Jeremy

Well, it is now February already.

I will go through the backlog of mirror requests and start adding new
mirrors again. It is only myself in this effort so please be patient :)

Some outstanding issues remain:
- New deployment of mirrorstats.gentoo.org has been delayed. I will send
out an announcement here and on planet.gentoo.org when we get that deployed
- "Missing timestamp.chk" issue which was reported on this mailing list. I
will try to track that down soon. We have already looked at it and the
issue is non-obvious. Time to dig deeper.
- IPv6 rotations. Expect more communication soon regarding how to better
serve you and our end users.

On the positive note, I did get a new gentoo-portage rsync mirrors listing
available online at: http://www.gentoo.org/main/en/mirrors-rsync.xml - It
has all the mirrors listed, but there is still some formatting changes I
want to make. Eventually, we will put this link on the main gentoo.org
website too.

Thanks again for all of your hardware & bandwidth donations!

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